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How to fix slow context menu on Windows

I was having an issue on Windows 10 64 bit where after you click on a file using the right mouse button it would take upto 60 seconds to bring up the context menu. The context menu has options for that particular file, but aswell as the default Windows options … Read more

Handy Tech Tips For Startups

Handy Tech Tips for Startups Anyone looking to start a new business should always make sure that they consider technology. Many of the challenges and obstacles that launching a new business always brings can be avoided or managed through the use of modern day technology, yet often this is an … Read more

Are Affordable Electric Cars the solution?

Electric cars are not a fresh phenomenon. Actually, the first-all electric car was developed in the 1830s. What’s new is that electric vehicles now complete for market share with traditional fuel models. Thanks to the latest advancements charging and battery technology, electronic cars have finally become a feasible substitute to … Read more

Best car manufacturers of 2020

Are we on the verge of a car and driving revolution? We had a look at the best car manufacturers in modern countries like United Kingdom.  We were surprised to find that very popular car brands such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Land Rover were not even in the top ten … Read more

BeatDrops on Windows PC

You can now download BeatDrops on Windows PC directly from our website or selected third party freeware / shareware site. It comes as a Windows installer, you just double click to install it.  In some cases the file may be zipped so will need to unzip the file first. BeatDrops … Read more

Recording Beats with BeatDrops app

BeatDrops lets you record your music to an audio file.  The output format and recording device can vary depending on your device/platform and settings. You can download BeatDrops Beat Maker or learn more about it here Android Your beat is recorded as mp3 or you can save it as a … Read more