100+ Free App Review Sites For Your Android App

100+ Free App Review Sites For Your Android App

100+ Free App Review Sites For Your Android App

Do not just release your android or iOS app and believe it will do well, submit to app review sites.

Invest in your app and put in time and effort to market and promote your app.

This can take lot of time and frustration.

So heres a good stress free way to get mass exposure to the right audience of new hungry users and gamers looking for new apps like yours.

Buy this hourly and we will send you a list of 40 well known app review sites that will not charge you.

We will also include over 100 more sites that might charge or do it for free. Some sites if they like your app will do it for free. Some sites only charge to expediate your review approval process. Note some of these are also reviewing iOS apps so if your app is on iOS too then great news for you!

But Wait!!!!

Thats not all…

I can also include an email list of even more review sites so you can email them all in one go with details of your app. See the extras!

Get your awesome new app the best exposure to vastly increase natural free organic installs from the google Play Store by submitting your app or game for review on the top app review websites!
ONce your app has been submitted or emailed to the editors or reviewers it will take some time for them to check and reply to you, as you know 1000’s of apps released everyday and lot of developers contact these websites, also they are busy doing reviews.  Some will reply fast and offer you promotions so you know they got your submission..
Get in early and while waiting carry on with other promotions.  For example you can promote on your social media and website aswell as taking a look at this hourly which gives you over 80 tips on app marketing online!
You can also get the ball rolling by purchasing real app installs see here for more information.
Click the link above to purchase via PeoplePerHour and pay using Paypal or Escrow so your payments are fully protected.  You are buying from a Level 5 Trusted and certified seller!

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