Hrithik Roshan and Bradley Cooper are two great actors in two quite different entertainment industries. Hrithik has starred in many movies in Bollywood noteable movies like Krishh , Dhoom 2 and Bang Bang. He is more of an exclusive actor who unlike his counterparts will not have pushed out 10 movies+ in the year. Hrithik Roshan comes from a Filmy background with his Father Rakesh Rohan having also starred in numerous Bollywood films and now is a well know film director. Hrithik is known to have two thumbs on his right hand.
Bradley Cooper is a Hollywood actor most famously known for his roles in The Hangover series of movies, A-Team and limitless. A top actor with several films released recently.
I like movies with both these guys, but I noticed they look very very similar! Are they Doppelgängers, maybe related, lost long twins or result of genetic experiments (conspiracy theory time).
Here are just two pictures I found and placed them both side by side to show the resemblance:
Judge for yourself by looking at more pictures:
Hrithik Roshan Images
Bradley Cooper Images.