3Grams Free Digital Scale App

3Grams Free Digital Scale App

Free digital gram scale app


3 Grams is a 3 in 1 FREE Android Digital Scale Simulator App.  There are several similar apps available on the store but be careful as some are fake and will not work, others have different method of weighing which may not work.  It has been improved over the last 7 years+ and works with all major smartphones. In some countries it goes by different names such as timbangan, escamas, balanzas digitales, digitale Waage…

3 Grams is also one the very few (if not the only) app available on iOS / iPhone that allows you estimate weight see the app here.

Please note the original free 3 Grams Digital Scales app was suspended by Google Play for ‘unclear reasons’, based on the fact that they said the app doesnt work when it clearly does! See more info on this video.

They have said ‘the phone wasnt designed to be used as a digital scale‘ however the phone wasnt designed to a ghost detector app either (or a metal detector) however they clearly allow those on the Store (even though lot of them clearly state they are prank apps, which are not really policy compliant)

Dont worry you can still download the free version(s) using the options linked to below!

3 Grams Digital Scale App

Available on Android and Windows Phones.

1 – Digital Scales Simulator
Uses your phones built in tilt sensors to calculate weight of objects.  If calibrated properly and used correctly the app has been shown to be almost as accurate as a real digital scales.  Balance your phone on something curved or soft and then place objects to weigh on bottom of phone. The device must tilt when the object is placed on the device or near it (on the same balanced plane).

2 – Visual Digital Scales
Use your phones camera to weigh with some accuracy larger objects.  Requires a little DIY using common household objects.  Requires calibration.

3 – Fake / Prank Digital Scales [Windows UWP / Phone]
Fool your friends and family using the fake scales.  Predefine upto 4 fake weight values and you can also use multi tap on the tare button to increase to other values.  Simply place object on the screen and tap once.

3 – Showcase Scales [Android Version]

Here you can view / show easily weight readings stored in the app, upto 4 readings are available.  You can then convert them to other units easily.  Just press one of the ‘Weight’ buttons to see the weight stored.  Press Units to convert the weight to other units.  Tap the grid pad in the middle reset to zero.  You can place the object that the weight corresponds to on the grid pad on the phone.

3 grams digital scales app


  1. Accurate Digital Scales.
  2. Camera based Visual scales.
  3. Fake / Prank Scales with predefined weights [Windows UWP / Phone] or Showcase Scales on Android
  4. Simulated weight measurements.
  5. Improved Weight conversion screen.
  6. Multiple units (Milligrams, grams, ounces and pounds (lb))
  7. Video demonstrations.
  8. Stabilization engine.
  9. Adjust decimal places.
  10. Built in help documentation.

We now have improved the weight converter and it can be used offline aswell.  If you want to convert other units, currencies or world times please download our free brand new app 3 Grams Multi Converter !

In countries where marijuana is legal you can use this as a weed scale app

QRCODE For Scanning:

3 Grams Digital Scales App

Our app might be available on Google Play store or Windows App Store, but you will have to check as it can vary.

The Latest version is called 3 Grams LiteWeight download it by clicking below:

In cases where you cant access the app stores you can also download the app directly from our website here (if you download from our server you can still buy calibration credits using Paypal by clicking here !)

download free digital scales app for android
amazon android digtal scales app
3 Grams Digital Scales App For Windows Phone

iPhone and iPad:

You can now also weigh objects using your iOS iPhone or iPad using the tilt to weight feature in 3 Grams Tilt Level Meter app on the Apple App Store!

The app converts amount of tilt to an estimate of weight. It works in the same way as the Android 3 Grams Digital Scales app. You just need a known weight similar to the weight of the objects you want to weigh. See the website for more details or click below to download the app now on your iPhone!

download digital scales app on iOS iPhone  itunes app store


3 Grams Digital Scales App

Pro Version

There is also a paid Pro Version of 3 Grams which is faster, has no ads and comes preloaded with lot more credits.

Video Demonstrations:

Click here to see all three video demonstration of the scales app!

Free Calibrations Credits:

You get upto 4 free credits when you install the app and doing various things like visiting out twitter page etc..  Then you can get free calibration coupons codes we will release every now and again on our social feeds like Facebook page and Twitter.  You simply copy and paste or enter these codes into 3 Gram scale app to increase your credits.  You can also win random free credits when you start the app (1 in 33 chance) and also by watching video ads in the app (when the option is shown at random).

New – In the LiteWeight version you can also watch video ads to get free rewarded credits!

Great Reviews!

3 Grams app users have left over 45 positive reviews for the scales app to show it does work on Facebook, see here….


  1. Izzy gold September 23, 2018
  2. adam4adaam November 21, 2018
  3. bahisf1 November 23, 2018
  4. Dimas December 4, 2018
  5. steep price January 16, 2019

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