Learn more about Cinnamon!
Cinnamon is one of the mainly admired and standard spices all over the world, which is derived from the bark of a quantity of trees that fall under the Cinnamomum family, primarily originated in Sri Lanka. Cinnamon bark has been utilized for flavoring both sweet and spicy dishes for several years. Lately it’s been getting attention as a potentially powerful cancer fighter.

Health Benefits:
Boosts Brain Function
Cinnamon boosts the action of the brain and makes it an enormous stimulant. It aids to eliminate nervous tension and memory loss.
Blood Purifier Agent
Cinnamon can help to get rid of blood impurities. This also makes it an immense healing for pimples.
Improvement of Blood Circulation
Cinnamon aids in improvement of the circulation of blood due to the presence of a blood thinning compound in it. This blood circulation aids to considerably lessen pain and makes sure oxygen supply to the cells, which leads to high metabolic activity. By regularly consuming cinnamon, you can reduce the possibility of suffering from a heart attack.
Relieves Body Pain
Cinnamon is also an anti-inflammatory stuff, so it aids in removing stiffness of the muscles and joints. It is also suggested for arthritis and is recognized to assist in removing headaches caused by cold.
Weight Loss
Cinnamon helps to reduce effects of a high-fat diet. It reduces the danger of cardiovascular damage
Controls Diabetes
Cinnamon has the capacity to control blood sugar, so diabetic patients find it very helpful because it aids them in utilizing less insulin. There is a water-soluble polyphenol compound called MHCP, which is rich in cinnamon, acted with insulin and helped in the improved utilization of this vital component of human health
Treats Infections
Due to antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, and antiseptic properties of Cinnamon, it is efficient for treating external as well as internal infections. It aids in destroying germs in the gallbladder
Speeds up Healing
Cinnamon helps to stop excess bleeding and facilitates the healing process as well
Prevents Heart Diseases
Calcium and fiber present in cinnamon provide defense against heart diseases.
Active Constituents (per 100g):
Energy: 312 Kcal
Protein: 9.68 grams
Fat: 3.25 grams
Calcium: 100 mg
Iron: 46 mg
Manganese: 873 mg
Vitamin B6: 8 mg
Best Way To Eat:
Cinnamon has been utilized as a food additive in the past as well as used as a spice for foods which includes, Bread and cakes, Chocolates, candies, Desserts, Beverages, Donuts, Cereals, Fruits, Meat and poultry dishes. You can also buy cinnamon pills – always check the quality and active amount in the pills.
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The information provided here and in the app is based on my own online and offline research, this includes scientific research sites, nutrition sites, authentic hadith and religious articles. The information is provided on an as-is basis and we are not responsible in any way if information is later deemed to be inaccurate or incomplete.
Please note the food or methods mentioned in the app are NOT cures or replacements for your existing medications. If you have any doubts concerning allergies or interactions with your medication please consult your doctor before taking any new food mentioned here.
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