We have some good news for users of 3 Grams. We have just managed to publish 3 Grams Unit Converter mobile app on the Apple app store!
So you can now donwload the free unit converter app on iPhone and iPad!
Use the free converter app to convert units such as:
- Weights
- Lengths
- Angles
- Volumes
- Digital Storage Units
You can also convert popular world currencies, such as:
- USD to GBP
- EUR to USD
- GBP to TRY
You can also convert World Times and see the time in different time zones and countries, such as:
- GMT to PST
- Uk Time to Sydney Time
- Time Now in New York to time in Brazil Sao Paulo
View upto date exchange rates aswell as seeing the current Bitcoin crypto currency rates for USD, EUR and GBP.
You get loads of free credits and you can buy more and convert units from next to nothing.
Easy to use and also available on Android smartphones